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Ways to Have a Cavity-Free Summer!

As the days get longer and summer excitement fills the air, it’s important to help your child make healthy choices to maintain a cavity-free smile. Our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is a proponent of prevention to keep dental disease at bay. We are happy to share five tips to safeguard your child’s smile this summer and all year long.

Tip #1  Maintain a Regular Oral Hygiene Routine

It’s easy to forget to care for those pearly whites during summer vacation. However, oral bacteria don’t take a break, so it’s important to keep up with daily brushing and flossing routines. Remind your little one to brush twice daily for at least two minutes and floss even those hard-to-reach teeth in the back of the mouth. Maintaining a good oral hygiene routine will help prevent tooth decay.

Tip #2  Choose Smile-Friendly Treats

Summer brings along lazy days and an array of sugary foods and drinks, including ice cream, sodas, and juice. While it’s tempting to indulge in these goodies, too much sugar provides harmful bacteria an abundant food source. As they feast, the bacteria produce acids that erode the tooth enamel, leading to tooth decay and cavities. Instead of food high in sugar content, encourage your child to reach out for teeth-healthy snacks, such as fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables, string cheese, and yogurt.

Tip #3  Stay Hydrated

As summer temperatures soar, encourage your child to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Water helps rinse the mouth, neutralizes acids, and prevents dry mouth, reducing the risk of tooth decay and cavities. Make it fun by choosing a reusable water bottle your child loves and challenging your little one to drink water all day long. Staying hydrated boosts your child’s overall health and helps maintain a fresh, cavity-free smile.

Tip #4  Plan for Days Away

If you have travel plans, summer camps, or sleepovers, make sure you prepare anoral care kit. Take your little one shopping and choose travel-size toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss. It’s important to ensure your child maintains good oral hygiene practices, including daily brushing and flossing, even when on vacation away from home.

Tip #5  Visit Your Child’s Pediatric Dentist

It’s essential to keep up with your child’s regular, twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings. Our pediatric dental team will clean those pearly whites, provide guidance on oral hygiene practices, and may recommend fluoride treatment to keep tooth decay at bay.

During your child’s visit, we will also perform a comprehensive examination to identify and treat any problems early on, preventing them from progressing and needing extensive treatments down the road. Summer appointments are an excellent opportunity to complete any needed dental work and start the school year with a healthy, pain-free smile.

Preventive Dental Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for more tips about maintaining healthy summer smiles. Dr. Patel and his dedicated team are happy to work alongside you to establish healthy habits for long-term oral health. Call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Thumb Sucking or Using a Pacifier Hurt My Child’s Teeth?

Thumb sucking and pacifier use can be comforting and soothing to infants and toddlers, but they can also have long-term effects on your little one’s teeth. While most children outgrow these habits, it’s important to be aware of potential oral health risks. Your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is here to provide you with information and support to lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. 

Understanding Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use

Thumb sucking and pacifier use are common among young children. They provide a sense of comfort and a means to self-soothe. Most children naturally stop these oral habits between the ages of two and four with no permanent harm to their teeth and jaws. 

If thumb sucking and pacifier use continue for an extended period, they may result in a host of oral health problems. We highly recommend tapering off these habits at a young age. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends reducing thumb sucking and pacifier use by 18 months of age.

What Are the Oral Health Risks of Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Use?

Prolonged thumb sucking and pacifier use can interfere with your child’s oral health development. The extent of harm will depend on how aggressively your child sucks on the thumb or pacifier. The pressure from sucking can cause changes to the roof of the mouth. It can also push the teeth out of position and cause changes in your child’s bite and the shape of the mouth, often leading to misaligned teeth, an overbite, or an open bite. These problems can lead to speech, eating, and sometimes even breathing difficulties. 

Breaking Thumb Sucking and Pacifier Habits

While most kids give up thumb and pacifier sucking on their own, some may need a little help. The most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude and keep in mind that encouragement goes a long way. Take the time to celebrate every milestone and moment of success. Never resort to punishment or scolding, which may backfire. 

Weaning your child off a pacifier or thumb sucking starts from a young age. Keep the pacifier away when you feel your baby does not need self-soothing. Offer other distractions, such as teething rings, mobiles, or rattles. When your child is a toddler, choose a day to celebrate being a “big kid” and pack away all the pacifiers. Offer another comfort item, such as a stuffed animal or lovey in their place. When it comes to thumb sucking, parents may find it helpful to place a bandaid on the thumb during the day and mittens over the hands during sleep. 

Keep in mind that children suck on their thumbs or pacifiers when they are anxious, insecure, or in need of comfort. Focus on the causes of anxiety and help your child find other ways to self-soothe when tired or stressed. Remember, rewards go a long way. Give your child a sticker, a small toy, or a favorite treat to celebrate every success!

Compassionate Pediatric Dental Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

If you need more tips, talk to your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. We may recommend an oral appliance or behavioral therapy. We will help you find solutions to break unwanted oral habits to prevent long-term dental complications. We are all about keeping your child’s smile healthy and sound. Call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Are the Benefits of Fluoride for My Child?

Did you know that over 35 percent of children aged 2-8 and almost 60 percent of teenagers have had at least one cavity? At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to help our young patients maintain healthy, cavity-free smiles. One of the ways we do that is by offering fluoride treatments. Touted as “nature’s cavity fighter,” the powerful mineral can significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay, enhancing your child’s oral health and quality of life.

Cavities Are on the Rise

Cavities have been on the decline in recent years due to improved oral hygiene, better awareness, and community drinking water fluoridation. However, many people are turning away from fluoridated tap water and opting for private wells or bottled water, leaving many young smiles at risk.

Unfortunately, the promising trend of lower cavity rates seems to be reversing. According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, tooth decay in young children is once again on the rise, with as many as a third of children developing cavities by ages 3-5. Early tooth decay can be a serious matter with long-term oral health implications.

What Is Fluoride?

Fluoride is a vital component of the ongoing battle against tooth decay. The naturally occurring mineral is found in certain foods and water sources. It is also added to community drinking water supplies, toothpaste, and mouthwash to lower the risk of cavities. While fluoride offers benefits to both adults and children, it is especially important in the younger years when the teeth are still developing.

What Are the Benefits of Fluoride Treatments?

Your child’s tooth enamel is under constant attack from bacteria, acids, and sugars, leading to a process called demineralization, which occurs when the tooth enamel is stripped of its minerals. Fluoride helps prevent mineral loss and replaces lost minerals or remineralizes your child’s tooth enamel, making it more resistant to tooth decay and cavities.

Fluoride can help reduce the harmful bacteria’s ability to produce acid. It also helps strengthen developing teeth. Fluoride can even reverse early tooth decay, safeguarding your child’s smile. Ensuring your child has adequate fluoride is one of the safest and most effective ways to maintain a cavity-free smile.

In-Office Fluoride Treatment

At Jet Set Smiles, we offer the latest and safest pediatric fluoride treatments to keep your child’s teeth healthy and cavity-free. Our quick and pain-free treatments significantly lower the risk of tooth decay and cavities, keeping your child’s smile healthy and bright.

Caring for Your Child’s Teeth at Home

Caringfor your child’s teeth starts before they even erupt. Start by cleaning your baby’s gums with a soft, clean cloth. Once the first baby tooth comes in, brush with a soft baby toothbrush and a tiny amount of toothpaste, no bigger than a grain of rice. Around age three, use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Make sure to monitor brushing time and teach your child how to spit out the toothpaste.

It’s important to limit your little one’s sugar and snack intake. We also recommend not allowing your baby to sleep with a bottle and filling your toddler’s sippy cup with only water.

Fluoride Treatments Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about maintaining healthy, cavity-free smiles. We strive to help our young patients establish healthy habits for long-term oral health. We look forward to caring for your child’s dental needs. Call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

My Teen Still See a Pediatric Dentist?

Our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry has extensive training and experience providing children of all ages with exceptional dental care. We are committed to delivering cutting-edge smile solutions for long-term healthy smiles. The question many parents have is, should their teen still be seeing a pediatric dentist?

Pediatric Dentistry vs. General Dentistry

Pediatric and general dentists are dedicated to prevention to help their patients ward off dental problems, including tooth decay and gum disease. However, there are some differences between the two. Pediatric dentists are specialists with at least two additional years of rigorous training after dental school, focused on caring for young smiles. They have a deep understanding of what it takes to maintain the health of developing teeth and are experts at behavior management and caring for children with special needs.

Given the additional training and expertise, it’s best to choose a pediatric dentist to care for your child, especially if your little one has special healthcare needs or is anxious about visiting the dentist. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, our practice is kid-centered, and our staff understands how to calm down our most fearful patients. Our happy environment and warm and friendly team will ensure your child is comfortable and stress-free while receiving exceptional dental care.

Should Teens See Pediatric Dentists?

While teenagers may seem too “grown-up” to see pediatric dentists, it’s important to note that the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that kids continue seeing a pediatric dentist until they are at least 18 years old. That is because teens still have developing teeth and jaws that require specialized care.

Here are some reasons your teen should continue to see a pediatric dentist:

Teens are still growing and developing: Even though all the baby teeth are gone and replaced with permanent ones, the mouth, face, and jaws are still growing and changing. Pediatric dentists are the best-equipped dental professionals to care for your child’s dental needs during these critical years of change and development.

Teens often need orthodontic treatment: The teenage years are usually when orthodontic treatments begin. The jaw may not keep up with the developing adult teeth, leading to a host of complications, including crowding and impaction. Your teen’s pediatric dentist will monitor your child’s growth and development to ensure everything is on track.

The wisdom teeth come in: The wisdom teeth, known as the first set of molars, typically come between the ages of 17 to 21. They are notorious for causing problems, including pain, crowding, infection, and decay. Moreover, they are sometimes impacted or stuck in the jaw, leading to complications, including damage to the surrounding teeth. Pediatric dentists have the specialized training to care for your child’s smile and detect problems that may develop with the appearance of wisdom teeth.

Building healthy habits: Teens often face an increased risk of decay due to poor food choices and oral hygiene habits. Pediatric dentists are skilled in communicating with children and can help adolescents develop healthy dental habits to set the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Services Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about our quality preventive and restorative services designed to keep young smiles healthy and bright. Our dedicated team is here to support your teen’s oral health every step of the way. Call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Happens if My Child Needs a Tooth Pulled?

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we never spare any effort to repair a damaged tooth. However, there are times when pulling out a tooth is the only viable option. If we determine that extracting a tooth is your child’s best option, our kid-friendly team will ensure your child’s experience is comfortable and free of stress before, during, and after the procedure.

Why Would Your Child Require a Tooth Extraction?

Baby teeth may require simple extraction due to many reasons, the most common of which is extensive decay or damage. If not treated, the decay can spread to the nerve and cause severe pain or a serious infection. If the damage is beyond repair, we may have no choice but to remove the affected tooth.

Other reasons your child may need to have a tooth pulled out include irreparable damage due to trauma, an abscessed or severely infected tooth, or a baby tooth interfering with the eruption of its permanent replacement. We sometimes need to extract one or more baby teeth as a component of an orthodontic treatment plan to make room for the remaining teeth to shift into alignment.

What Should You Expect?

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we utilize modern dentistry techniques to provide quick and simple tooth extractions. We start by administering local anesthesia to numb the affected tooth and the surrounding area. If your little one is anxious, let us know. We are happy to provide nitrous oxide sedation to help your child relax during treatment. Your little one will remain awake and responsive to directions.

Once your child is comfortable, we will gently remove the affected tooth, and your child will not feel a thing. Children typically resume their normal activities after 24 hours.

Promoting Healing After a Baby Tooth Extraction

For about two to three days post-extraction, make sure your child avoids carbonated beverages and sucking through a straw. Offer soft foods like gelatin, yogurt, or mashed potatoes while steering away from hard or crunchy foods, including pretzels, crackers, or popcorn.

If your child complains of any discomfort, use your pediatrician-approved pain medication for relief. If, however, swelling develops, place a cold compress on the area and contact our office immediately for guidance.

What Is a Space Maintainer?

Leaving a gap in your child’s smile can be a serious matter. The neighboring teeth may shift and drift toward the space, leading to crooked teeth and problems with the bite. Depending on the location of the extracted tooth, we may recommend placing a space maintainer. The dental appliance will help hold the adjacent teeth and jaw in position until the permanent tooth comes in. Space maintainers help reduce or even eliminate the need for orthodontic treatments down the road.

Teeth Extractions Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

If your child has a damaged or painful tooth, visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for a consultation. We will do everything possible to save your little one’s tooth. If, however, removing the affected tooth is our only viable option, you can count on our team for gentle, compassionate care. Call us today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Can I Get My Child Excited About the Dentist?

Are you finding it challenging to get your child excited about going to the dentist? It’s a common concern for many parents, but rest assured, there are things you can do to make the experience more exciting and enjoyable for you and your little one. Let’s look at some ways to get your child to want to visit the dentist. 

Start Dental Care Early

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), you should first see your little one’s pediatric dentist within six months of the arrival of the first baby tooth and no later than the first birthday. Starting dental care early on will keep your child’s smile healthy and bright and ensure your child is familiar with the dentist’s office from a young age. 

Visit a Kid-Friendly Practice

Make sure to choose a pediatric dentistry office with friendly staff and a happy, comfortable environment like the one we have at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. If you don’t feel at ease, the chances are that your child won’t feel at ease either, so trust your gut and find a dental practice where you and your little one can feel right at home. 

Introduce the Dentist at Home

There are numerous toys, books, videos, and even games about teeth and visiting the dentist. Warm your child up to the idea of visiting the dentist by using these resources. Here are some examples of books that help get kids excited about the dentist:

Role Play

Kids love role play, so it’s always helpful to act out dental visits, especially before a dental appointment. Take turns being the “dentist” and examining and cleaning a doll or stuffed animal’s teeth. When it’s your turn, model a gentle, kind dentist and make sure you and your little one share a giggle or two. 

Stay Positive

Kids feed off their parent’s emotions, so if you’re nervous about the dentist, your child will likely be anxious as well. It’s easier said than done, but even if the thought of a dentist appointment stresses you out, show your kids that there’s nothing to fear. If you’re relaxed, your child will feel safe and know there is no reason to worry. 

End the Dentist’s Visit on a Happy Note

Reward your child and do something exciting after your trip to the dentist to build positive associations. Head to the park or enjoy your favorite game. Wrapping up the day on a happy note will ensure your child is excited the next time you mention visiting the dentist. 

Trusted Pediatric Dentistry Services Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we strive to ensure our young patients are happy and comfortable while receiving top-notch care. If your little one is anxious about the dentist, let us know, and we will do everything we can to ensure your visit is a positive one. We look forward to establishing healthy habits for long-term oral health. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

I Have Any Control Over Whether My Child Gets a Cavity?

Did you know that tooth decay is the most common chronic childhood disease? The preventable condition is two to three times more common than obesity or childhood asthma. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we are proponents of prevention to maintain healthy smiles. We are dedicated to working alongside families in Phoenix, AZ, and the surrounding communities to help put a stop to childhood cavities.

Do You Have Control Over Whether Your Child Develops a Cavity?

Many adults are unaware that tooth decay and cavities in children are preventable. The battle against cavity-causing bacteria starts before your child’s first tooth erupts, long before your little one begins school. Caring for your little one’s smile right from the start will put your child on a lifelong path of oral health.

Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles

Here are some ways you can lower the risk of childhood cavities and ensure your child maintains a healthy, pain-free smile:

Take Care of Your Oral Health: The first step in ensuring your child maintains a healthy smile is to take care of your own oral health. Make sure to brush and floss regularly and to keep up with your routine dental care. Poor oral hygiene can reflect on your little one because harmful oral bacteria are easily transmitted from a parent to a child.

Establish a Dental Home: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends seeing a pediatric dentist when your little one’s first baby tooth appears and no later than the first birthday. From that point on, most children require twice-a-year dental visits to maintain healthy smiles. Establishing a dental home right from the start will help keep tooth decay and cavities at bay and ensure your child’s development is on track.

Early Oral Hygiene Care: Caring for your child’s smile starts at birth. After feeding, gently wipe your baby’s gums and teeth with a damp washcloth. When the first baby tooth comes in, brush with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a smear of toothpaste the size of a grain of rice. From ages 2-5, brush with a pea-sized amount of ADA-approved fluoride toothpaste. It is also important to floss as soon as two teeth touch. Help with brushing and flossing until you are confident your child can do so independently.

Limit Sweet Drinks: Early childhood decay is an aggressive form of decay among young children. It often results from prolonged exposure to liquids containing sugars, including formula, juices, and sweetened drinks. Make sure your child never falls asleep while sipping on anything other than water to lower the risk of early childhood decay, otherwise known as “baby bottle tooth decay.” We also recommend transitioning your baby from a bottle to a sippy cup by the first birthday.

Maintain a Healthy, Balanced Diet: Ensure your child consumes a healthy, balanced diet, and limit sugary foods and candies. That way, your child has the nutrients needed to keep the teeth and gums healthy without sugary treats wreaking havoc on their smiles.

Seek Prompt Care: Aside from your child’s twice-yearly visits to the dentist, make sure to contact your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry if you have any concerns about your child’s oral health. Early detection and treatment will ensure your child’s smile stays healthy and free of disease.

Quality Pediatric Dental Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about the prevention of tooth decay and cavities. We look forward to working alongside you to set the foundation for healthy smiles for life. Call us and schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Are the Most Common Pediatric Dentistry Procedures?

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we emphasize the importance of caring for your child’s smile right from the start to set the stage for healthy smiles for life. We are pleased to offer a range of pediatric dental services to keep your little one’s oral health in tip-top shape. Here’s a look at the importance of caring for baby teeth and the most common procedures offered by our kid-friendly Phoenix team.

The Importance of Caring for Your Child’s Baby Teeth

Even though these tiny pearly whites will eventually fall out, keeping them healthy will reflect on your child’s oral health and development. Baby teeth play a significant role in speech development and allow children to chew without pain, ensuring they get all the nutrients they need to grow and stay healthy.

Tooth decay in baby teeth can cause permanent damage to the adult teeth yet to erupt. Moreover, the premature loss of baby teeth can result in the neighboring teeth shifting out of place, increasing the chances a child will need orthodontic treatments in the future.

What Are the Most Common Pediatric Dentistry Procedures?

The following are the most common pediatric dental procedures offered by your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry:

Dental Cleanings: Even the best brushing and flossing routine can’t remove all cavity-causing plaque, especially in those hard-to-reach areas. Your little one’s twice-yearly professional cleanings remove plaque and tartar deposits from between the teeth and around the gum line, lowering the risk of tooth decay and keeping those tiny teeth squeaky clean and bright.

Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride helps strengthen the tooth enamel, lowering the risk of cavities. It can also reverse early decay by remineralizing the tooth enamel. At your little one’s routine dental cleanings, we may recommend fluoride treatments to keep those pearly whites strong and free of decay.

Space Maintainers: Losing a baby tooth prematurely can cause adjacent teeth to drift toward the gap, leading to crooked teeth and a crowded mouth. We may recommend a space maintainer to maintain the space until the permanent tooth erupts, often preventing the need for orthodontic treatments down the road.

White Fillings: Dental fillings are the most common restorations for children. Tiny teeth are prone to cavities, which are easily treated with simple fillings. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we offer tooth-colored composite resin fillings to restore healthy, seamless smiles. 

Dental Crowns: Dental crowns are used to repair weak or damaged baby teeth, preserving them until they are ready to fall out on their own. We’re pleased to offer stainless steel and tooth-colored resin crowns to restore healthy, functional smiles.

Emergency Care: If your child experiences a dental emergency, such as tooth pain, bleeding, or a knocked-out tooth, make sure to call us immediately. We will evaluate the situation and provide guidance to ensure the best possible treatment outcomes. If your child requires emergency services, you can count on our team for compassionate, state-of-the-art care.

Simple Extractions: If a tooth is damaged beyond repair due to trauma or extensive decay or if a baby tooth is interfering with the eruption of a permanent one, extraction may be unavoidable. Our kid-friendly team will ensure your child is comfortable before, during, and after the procedure.

Sedation Dentistry: At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we recognize that some kids are anxious about dental treatments. We’re pleased to offer a range of sedation dentistry options, including nitrous oxide, conscious oral sedation, and general anesthesia, to help even our most anxious young patients relax. Our pediatric dentists will evaluate your child’s unique needs and recommend the best sedation option for positive and comfortable dental care.

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Services Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about our pediatric dentistry services designed for little smiles. Our goal is to set the foundation for healthy smiles for life. We look forward to caring for all your child’s dental needs. Call us and schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Important Are Dental X-Rays for My Child?

Dental x-rays offer an invaluable diagnostic tool to uncover underlying dental problems in their earliest stages, preventing them from progressing and becoming more serious concerns. As the teeth and jaw mature, digital x-rays provide an enhanced view of your little one’s oral health and development, so we can ensure everything is on track. 

Why Are Dental X-Rays Necessary?

Digital dental x-rays uncover more than just cavities. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we take x-rays to diagnose and treat oral health problems inside your child’s teeth or below the gums. The incredibly clear images reveal conditions such as tooth decay and gum disease in their earliest stages, allowing for prompt treatment

Digital dental x-rays help us diagnose bone problems, plan orthodontic treatment, evaluate the teeth that have not yet erupted, and assess injuries after trauma. We can also see whether your child’s mouth has enough space to accommodate the incoming permanent teeth and determine whether the baby teeth are loosening the way they should. X-rays provide a wealth of information that is not apparent in a visual exam. 

How Often Will Your Child Need X-Rays?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children typically require diagnostic x-rays once a year, which is also our philosophy at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. If, however, a child has cavities or specific concerns, we may recommend additional x-rays as needed. 

Are Digital Dental X-Rays Safe?

Today’s digital x-ray technology comes with a staggering 99 percent less radiation than the already minimal amounts of radiation exposure of traditional film x-rays equipment. Multiple radiation sources in everyday life, such as plane rides or stepping out in the sun, may expose your little one to higher levels per year than digital dental x-rays. 

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s safety is our topmost priority. We use the most modern, low-radiation, high-speed digital dental x-ray technology and adhere to the recommended precautions to ensure your child’s safety. We only take x-rays when essential and use a lead apron shield for added protection. The incredible amount of diagnostic and preventive information we obtain will help ensure your child maintains optimal dental health during the critical growth and development years. 

How Are Digital Dental X-Rays Taken?

Our youngest patients will sit on a parent’s lap, while older children can sit on their own. Even though our digital x-ray technology comes with minimal scatter radiation, everyone in the room will wear lead aprons for an added layer of protection. Tiny mouths require smaller, more comfortable x-ray equipment to make the process positive. All your little one must do is bite down on a bite stick and hold still for a few seconds. If needed, our x-ray technician or parents can hold the stick in place. 

Digital Dental X-Rays Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about our digital x-ray technology and preventive dental care. Our kid-friendly team is committed to providing our young patients with cutting-edge dental services in a calm and happy environment. We look forward to working alongside you to lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Call us and schedule your appointment today. 

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Children Need Nerve Treatment (Root Canals)?

Inside every tooth is a space called the pulp chamber, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. Nerve treatment, also known as a baby root canal, may be required to save a primary tooth with pulp infection or inflammation resulting from tooth decay or trauma. Your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry will evaluate your child’s unique needs and recommend the best treatment option for a pain-free, healthy smile. 

Why Save a Damaged Baby Tooth?

Even though your child’s primary teeth will eventually fall out, it’s essential to keep them healthy. Those little pearly whites maintain the space needed for the permanent teeth yet to erupt and guide them to come in the correct position. 

If not treated, tooth pulp damage cannot heal on its own. It will continue to progress, leading to pain, an abscess, and even tooth loss. The untimely loss of a baby tooth can interfere with chewing and impact speech development. Moreover, the remaining teeth may shift toward the gap, leading to crooked or impacted adult teeth and a host of long-term oral health concerns. 

What Are the Signs of Tooth Pulp Damage?

The first indication your child requires a baby root canal is spontaneous pain in the area, especially at night. Other signs of infected pulp are tooth sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, gum tenderness or swelling, tooth discoloration, swelling of the cheek or jaw, or a pimple-like bump on the gums indicating an abscess. 

If your child shows any of these symptoms or you have any concerns, contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. We will recommend the most conservative treatment option to alleviate any discomfort and restore your little one’s healthy smile. If nerve treatment is necessary, you can trust our team for quality, gentle care. 

What Are the Types of Tooth Nerve Treatments?

The two most common nerve treatments are known as pulpotomy and pulpectomy. In both cases your child will require a pediatric dental crown to seal the treated tooth and protect it from further damage. 

Pulpotomy: If the tooth has a healthy root and the damage is limited to the tip, we may recommend a pulpotomy. The procedure involves the removal of the affected pulp tip and filling the resulting space with a special medicated filling to soothe the root, protect the remaining healthy pulp, and prevent reinfection.

Pulpectomy: If the decay or damage affects the entire pulp, including the root, we may recommend a pulpectomy, a treatment similar to an adult root canal. The procedure involves removing the pulp and then disinfecting the root canals. The last step is filling the space with an inert material that can be reabsorbed when the baby tooth falls out. 

Anxiety-Free Dental Care

We will numb the area with a local anesthetic before a baby tooth nerve treatment to ensure your child feels no pain. We may also recommend dental sedation so your little one can relax during treatment. We’ll discuss the options we offer to determine the type of sedation that best suits your child’s needs. Our goal is to deliver anxiety-free dentistry for you and your child.  

Baby Root Canal Treatments Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about our gentle nerve treatments designed to preserve damaged baby teeth and restore healthy smiles. Our compassionate team will spare no effort to ensure your child receives exceptional, gentle care. Call us and schedule your appointment today. 

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix