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Canal Treatment for Kids? When Is It Necessary? 

Did you know that the health of your child’s primary teeth can impact their adult teeth? That’s why our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry spares no effort to save a damaged baby tooth. One of the ways we do that is by offering root canal treatments for kids. The relatively simple procedure will preserve a compromised tooth until it is ready to fall out naturally. 

Why Would a Child Need a Root Canal Treatment? 

The inner core of every tooth has an area called the pulp chamber, which contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. Deep decay, trauma, or a chipped or fractured tooth can cause tooth pulp inflammation or damage. Tooth pulp damage can only be repaired with the help of a baby root canal, also known as nerve treatment or pulp therapy. 

Saving your child’s baby teeth is always our topmost priority. Even though they will eventually fall out, baby teeth maintain the space the adult teeth need to come in the correct alignment. Losing a baby tooth too early can lead to the remaining teeth shifting toward the gap, resulting in crooked permanent teeth and problems with the bite. That can translate to the need for orthodontic treatment in the future. 

What Are the Signs Your Child Needs a Root Canal Treatment?

Warning signs of tooth pulp damage requiring a root canal treatment include persistent pain, sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures, tooth discoloration, gum tenderness or swelling, a pimple-like bump on the gums indicating an abscess, and swelling of the cheek, neck, or jaw.

If your child shows any of these symptoms, contact Jet Set Smiles right away. Dr. Patel may recommend a root canal treatment to relieve your child’s discomfort and save the affected tooth. Our experienced pediatric dentist and kid-friendly team will ensure your child has the best possible care. 

What Happens During a Baby Root Canal Treatment?

The most common baby root canal treatments are known as pulpotomy and pulpectomy, depending on the extent of damage. After treatment, we will place a pediatric dental crown to strengthen the treated tooth and restore its form and function. 

  • Pulpotomy: Your child will require a pulpotomy if the tooth’s root is healthy and the damage is limited to the tip. The procedure involves removing the affected tip and filling the space with a protective medicated material to soothe the root and prevent further infection. 
  • Pulpectomy: If the entire pulp, including the root, is affected, your child may require a pulpectomy. The procedure involves removing the tooth pulp tissue, cleaning the root canals, and filling the space with an inert material that’s reabsorbed when the baby tooth falls out naturally. 

How We Help Your Child Relax During Treatment

Before treatment, we will numb the area with a local anesthetic for your child’s comfort. We may also recommend dental sedation to help your little one relax in the dentist’s chair. We are committed to ensuring your child is safe and comfortable throughout any treatment. 

Baby Root Canal Treatments Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Patel and our kid-friendly team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry are dedicated to ensuring our young patients maintain a lifetime of healthy smiles. If your child requires a baby root canal treatment, you can always count on our team for exceptional, gentle care. We invite you to call 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Parent’s Guide to Teething: Everything You Should Know

Nothing is as exciting as celebrating your little one’s milestones—that first smile, first giggle, and first tooth. However, teething is often an uncomfortable and painful experience and a source of frustration for parents. Our Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry team put together a guide to help you understand what to expect and how to ease your little one’s distress. 

When Do Babies Start Teething?

Parents often wonder when to expect that first tiny tooth. It’s important to note that not all children follow the same timeline when it comes to teething. The process typically begins between 4 to 7 months of age, with the two lower front teeth making their debut, soon followed by the two front upper teeth. Most toddlers have a complete set of baby teeth by their third birthday.

The first sign that your little one’s baby teeth are ready to emerge is the appearance of tiny bumps on the gums. Your baby may drool excessively, have red, swollen, and tender gums, and want to chew on hard items. Teething can lead to babies becoming more cranky and fussy, eating less, and having difficulty settling down to sleep. 

While teething may be an uncomfortable experience for some children, it should not cause severe symptoms. Vomiting, diarrhea, or high fever are not teething symptoms. If your child is overly fussy or shows signs of illness, we recommend seeing your child’s pediatrician as soon as possible. 

How Can You Ease Teething Discomfort?

The following are some ways to provide your child with teething relief:

  • Massage your little one’s gums with a clean finger or a wet washcloth, placing gentle pressure on the sore areas. 
  • Offer a chilled – not frozen – teething ring to help soothe your baby’s gums. 
  • Teething babies love to chew unsweetened teething biscuits for comfort – check with your pediatrician first and monitor your little one to ensure no pieces break off and become a choking hazard. 
  • Teething gels or over-the-counter pain medication can help soothe those swollen and sore gums, but check with your child’s pediatrician or pediatric dentist first. 
  • Dry any drool to prevent skin irritation, which can lead to further discomfort for your child. 

What Teething Remedies Should You Avoid?

Safety is paramount when easing your child’s discomfort. Avoid over-the-counter homeopathic remedies or teething gels with benzocaine or lidocaine, which may be harmful to your little one. Consult with your child’s pediatrician or pediatric dentist before administering any pain relief medication. Moreover, avoid attaching teething rings to your baby’s clothing because of the risk of choking or strangulation. 

Caring for Your Baby’s New Teeth

According to the American Dental Association, children should see a dentist upon the arrival of the first tooth and no later than the first birthday. Establishing a dental home right from the start helps set the stage for long-term healthy, happy smiles. 

Maintaining your child’s dental health requires more than regular visits to the dentist. We recommend a daily routine of gentle teeth cleaning to keep your child’s smile healthy and bright. It’s also important to avoid letting your baby fall asleep with a bottle of milk or juice, which can significantly increase the risk of tooth decay.

Quality Pediatric Dental Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Patel and our kid-friendly team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry welcome you and your little one to our practice. Our dedicated team is here to offer guidance and preventive care to lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. We invite you to call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

a Dental Visit for My Child with Special Needs

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to providing children in Phoenix and the surrounding communities with the highest quality dental care. We are especially proud to offer quality special needs dental services and are always ready to make accommodations to ensure your little one feels comfortable and safe during treatment. We are here for you and your child every step of the way!

Common Dental Concerns of Children with Special Needs

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD), children with special healthcare needs have physical, developmental, sensory, behavioral, mental, or emotional concerns that require intervention, medical management, or specialized services. 

Children with special healthcare needs are often at an elevated risk of oral health problems, such as tooth decay, gum disease, and trauma. They may also suffer from poor dental health because of difficulty brushing or flossing effectively or because of certain medications or dietary restrictions. That is why it is important to keep up with routine dental exams and cleanings. 

Why Choose a Pediatric Dentistry Practice for Special Needs Dental Care?

Pediatric dentists go through extensive training beyond dental school. One of the focuses of their specialized education is caring for children with special needs. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we are fully prepared and equipped to provide dental care services for children with special smiles and work tirelessly to ensure their time with us is positive and free of stress. 

At Jet Set Smile Pediatric Dentistry, we work closely with you to ensure your child’s time with us is as comfortable as possible. We are happy to make any needed accommodations and offer sedation dentistry options to help your child feel relaxed during treatment. Whatever your child’s needs are, our dedicated team will do everything we can to provide your child with the best possible experience. 

Planning Your Child’s Dental Visit

Here are some tips for preparing for your child’s dental to help set the stage for a positive dental visit:

  • Pay us a visit: It is often helpful to stop by for a brief visit ahead of time to get your child familiar with our warm staff and comfortable space.  
  • Let us know about accommodations: Let us know if your child needs any accommodations or if there is anything we need to know to help us provide the best possible experience. 
  • Stay positive: Your child will pick up on any fear or negative emotions, so it is important to stay positive and upbeat before and during your appointment. 
  • Play pretend: Children love role play, so you may want to take turns playing “dentist” and caring for a favorite doll, superhero, or stuffed animal’s teeth. 
  • Read books: There are numerous books about visiting the dentist available online or at your local bookstore – snuggle with your little one with a good book to build excitement about the upcoming appointment.
  • Talk to your child: Talk to your child about the upcoming visit and what to expect – make sure you portray the dentist as a warm and happy person who will take good care of those pearly whites. 

Special Needs Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Dr. Patel and our compassionate team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry welcome you and your family to our practice. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your child’s time with us as happy and positive as possible. We invite you to call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Parent’s Guide to Proper Flossing 

Just like teeth brushing, flossing is integral to your child’s daily oral health routine. It helps lower the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and bad breath, promoting your child’s oral health. Our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is happy to offer tips on proper flossing to lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy smiles. 

When Should Your Child Start Flossing?

Flossing may sound pretty grown up, but dental professionals recommend starting as soon as two teeth touch, usually around ages 2-3. Even though babies and toddlers may have multiple teeth, it takes time for the teeth to shift and fit closely together.  

The earlier children start flossing, the more likely they will continue flossing into adulthood. Make sure to help with flossing until those tiny fingers can hold the floss on their own. We recommend supervising flossing until age 10 or 11 when you are confident your child can do a thorough job of cleaning between the teeth. 

How Often Should Your Child Floss? 

The American Dental Association recommends flossing between teeth once a day. That’s important because cleaning those hard-to-reach areas between the teeth prevents plaque from hardening to tartar. Flossing is one of the most effective ways to lower the risk of dental disease. 

Keep in mind that it is perfectly normal to see some bleeding when you start flossing. However, if the bleeding persists, make sure to contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for an evaluation.

What Is the Best Type of Floss for Your Child?

There is no best type of floss. It all boils down to personal preference. In general, dental tape, which is wider than regular floss, is best for teeth with gaps in between. When it comes to teeth that are close together, try waxed floss to make it easier for you and your child. 

If you struggle to reach the smaller areas in your child’s mouth, using a floss pick can help. If your child needs a little encouragement, you can opt for flavored floss varieties, such as minty fresh or bubble gum. Ultimately, the “best” floss is the one that works for both you and your child’s needs.

Flossing Best Practices

Make sure your child flosses at least once a day before or after brushing. Here is a look at how to floss just right:

  • Cut an 18 to 20-inch long piece of floss and wrap its ends around your middle fingers. 
  • Hold the floss taut between your forefingers and thumbs and gently slide it between the teeth. 
  • Use an up-and-down rather than a side-to-side motion, and avoid jerking or snapping the floss into the space between teeth so you don’t hurt the gums.
  • Curve the floss to make a “C” shape against the sides of each tooth and guide it below the gum line. 
  • As you move from tooth to tooth, use a fresh piece of floss.

Preventive Dental Care Near Me

If you’d like more tips on caring for your child’s smile, visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Patel and our kid-friendly team are always here to answer your questions and address your concerns. We are also happy to offer comprehensive preventive services to keep dental disease at bay. We invite you to call our office at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment or request one online today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

I Pull Out My Child’s Loose Baby Tooth?

The day has finally come! Your little one has a loose tooth. It is an important rite of passage and a milestone to celebrate. But what if that wiggly tooth refuses to fall out? Should you let nature take its course or lend a helping hand? If you are not quite sure what to do, contact Jet Set Smiles to schedule a consultation. We are happy to provide guidance and ensure your child’s oral health and development stay on track. 

Why Is Your Child’s Tooth Loose? 

A loose baby tooth typically means it’s time for its permanent replacement to erupt. In general, baby teeth make their exit around age six, but every smile is unique. The teeth usually fall out in the order they initially came in. Keep an eye on the wobble – if it is persistent, it’s probably time to prepare for the tooth fairy’s arrival. 

Aside from incoming permanent teeth, a baby tooth may wiggle after a fall or blow to the face. If you suspect a tooth is loose because of trauma, make sure to visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to get your child’s smile evaluated and avoid any complications down the road.

The Wait-and-See Approach

Most loose baby teeth will fall out on their own when they are ready, with minimal fuss. This is probably a good time to teach your child the beauty of patience. While you may be tempted to intervene, letting nature take its course is sometimes the best strategy. 

Calling in the Tooth Fairy Backup

If impatience sets in or your child asks for help, gently touch the tooth. If the tooth barely wiggles or your child winces in pain, the tooth is not ready to fall out, so it’s best to let it be. If the tooth is hanging by a thread, wash your hands, grab a tissue, and with a clean, steady pull, the tooth should come out with ease. 

In most cases, the best scenario is waiting. Encourage your little one to move the tooth around with the tongue until it falls out naturally. That will limit the bleeding, pain, and the chances of infection. 

Keeping Your Children’s Teeth Healthy 

One of the most important things you can do for your child’s smile is to establish good oral hygiene habits right from the start. Not only will your child enjoy healthy baby teeth, but you will be setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles. 

Start brushing your little one’s teeth as soon as they come in. Use a tiny amount of toothpaste, no larger than a grain of rice. As your little one becomes a toddler, you can brush with a pea-sized amount of toothpaste and a soft-bristled brush. As soon as two teeth touch, it’s time to start flossing to prevent plaque build-up and gum disease. 

Don’t forget to schedule routine dental exams and cleanings. Dr. Patel and our kid-friendly team will ensure your little one’s smile stays healthy and bright. 

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Near Me

If you are not quite sure whether to pull a loose tooth or leave it be, visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. We’re happy to answer your questions, address your concerns, and offer tips on caring for your little one’s smile. We look forward to celebrating every milestone alongside you. We invite you to call our office at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

to Keep Your Child’s Teeth Healthy During the Holidays 

The holidays are just around the corner, with family fun, delicious meals, and plenty of cheer. The holiday festivities can be hard on your little one’s teeth with the abundance of sugary treats, but it doesn’t have to be. Our team at Jet Set Smile Pediatric Dentistry is happy to offer tips to maintain healthy smiles this holiday season and all year long. 

Make Good Oral Hygiene Practices a Top Priority

The holiday season comes along once a year, but your child’s smile needs good care every day. Encourage your child to brush thoroughly for at least two minutes, at least twice daily, and floss daily. Be sure to use an age-appropriate amount of toothpaste, help your little one until around age six, and continue supervising until you’re confident your child is brushing and flossing properly. 

Avoid brushing your child’s teeth right after a sugary or acidic treat, which can soften the tooth enamel. Instead, rinse with water and brush after 30 minutes to allow the tooth enamel to remineralize and build itself up. However tired your child is after a long day or night of celebrations, avoid the temptation of going straight to bed. Try your best to stick to a healthy oral hygiene routine. 

Allow Your Child to Indulge in Moderation

It’s hard to be a Grinch and keep your child from indulging in holiday treats, but moderation is key. Keep your home stocked with healthy options, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and lean protein, and save the splurges for when you’re celebrating with family or friends. If there’s a particular event coming up that you know will be heavy on treats, try to limit junk food before and after to maintain a healthy balance.

Choose Mouth-Healthy Holiday Treats

You can still serve your grandma’s favorite recipes with a few healthy tweaks. For example, use whole flour instead of regular white flour and use sweet potatoes, pumpkin, or fruits rather than sugar to add sweetness to your treats. Give baked apples with cinnamon a try rather than an apple pie – your child’s smile will thank you!

Keep Your Child from Snacking or Grazing

Avoid snacking or grazing on holiday treats all day long. The longer your child’s teeth are exposed to sugar, the worse the damage is to their smile. The best time to indulge in sugary snacks is with or after a meal. That’s because your little one’s salivary glands are most active during mealtimes, producing saliva that washes away food particles and neutralizes acids. Limiting snacking or grazing can minimize damage to your child’s smile. 

Encourage Your Child to Drink Plenty of Water

One of the best things you can do for your child’s teeth is to encourage drinking plenty of water. That helps promote saliva flow, neutralizes plaque acids, and helps wash away bacteria and food debris. An occasional festive drink won’t damage your child’s teeth, but lead by example and encourage your child to drink water all day.  

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry

Remember to schedule dental checkups for your little one this festive season. Routine dental exams and cleanings lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease, leaving your child’s smile healthy and bright. They also allow our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to uncover dental issues as they develop, preventing them from getting worse and requiring extensive treatments down the road. 

Preventive Dental Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for tips on caring for your child’s smile. If you haven’t already had your little one’s smile checked, make sure to schedule a dental exam and cleaning. Dr. Patel and his kid-friendly team look forward to working alongside you to help your child enjoy a healthy smile this holiday season and all year long! We invite you to call our office at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Dental X-Rays: Safe, Gentle, and Precise

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, your child’s safety and comfort are always our top priorities. We are pleased to offer low-radiation digital dental x-rays to track your little one’s oral health and development and uncover hidden concerns in between and inside the teeth and below the gum line. You can always count on our kid-friendly team for safe, gentle, and precise care!

How Often Will Your Child Need Digital Dental X-Rays?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends taking x-rays once a year for kids with healthy smiles or every six months for kids at a higher risk of tooth decay. If, however, your child has a painful tooth or has any specific concerns, we may recommend additional diagnostic x-rays. 

What Are the Benefits of Digital Dental X-Rays?

Dental x-rays have been used for decades to diagnose dental problems not visible during routine dental exams. Today’s digital dental x-rays capture high-resolution images using digital sensors rather than traditional x-ray film. The images are produced in seconds without having to bite down on uncomfortable plates, ensuring your child is comfortable and spends less time in the dentist’s chair. 

Digital dental x-rays offer invaluable information about your child’s dental health. The incredibly clear and detailed images reveal early tooth decay and gum disease, ensuring prompt treatment. That prevents a minor problem from progressing and becoming a more significant concern down the road. 

Digital radiography also helps us evaluate injuries, uncover bone problems, plan orthodontic treatments, assess the health of the teeth that have not yet erupted, and determine whether there’s enough space for the incoming permanent teeth. They provide information that helps us create targeted treatment plans, ensuring the best possible outcomes. 

Are Digital Dental X-Rays Safe? 

Digital dental x-rays are much safer than in the past. They produce 80 to 90 percent less radiation than the already low radiation exposure of traditional dental x-ray equipment. In fact, stepping out in the sun or getting a plane ride can expose your child to higher radiation levels per year than digital x-rays! 

What Is the Digital Dental X-Ray Experience?

Dr. Patel and our compassionate team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry are committed to ensuring our young patients are comfortable and free of stress during their time with us. When it comes to taking x-rays, our tiniest patients will sit on a parent or guardian’s lap, while older children are welcome to sit on their own. 

Even though digital dental x-rays are considered safe and come with minimal scatter radiation, we take every recommended safety precaution, including everyone in the room wearing lead aprons for protection. Your little one will bite down on a tiny bite stick and hold still for a few seconds. If needed, you or one of our x-ray technicians can hold the bite stick in place. The entire process takes a few short minutes to complete. 

Digital X-Rays Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

If you’d like to learn more about our modern digital x-ray technology and our commitment to providing safe, gentle, and precise care, contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to schedule a consultation. Dr. Patel and his kid-friendly team strive to provide our young patients with the highest quality care to lay the groundwork for a lifetime of healthy smiles. We invite you to call our office at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

You Should Know About Space Maintainers?

Maintaining healthy baby teeth is critical to your child’s oral health and development. But what happens if one falls out before its permanent replacement is ready to come in? Dr. Patel and his team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry may recommend placing a space maintainer to safeguard your child’s oral health. We are all about setting the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles. 

What Happens When a Baby Tooth Falls Out Too Soon?

Even though baby teeth eventually fall out, it’s essential to keep them strong and healthy because that will reflect on your child’s adult teeth and overall health. Baby teeth help with speech development and allow your little one to bite and chew with ease, ensuring proper nutrition. They support the healthy development of the facial muscles and the jawbone and maintain the space the permanent teeth need to come in correctly. 

If an upper front baby tooth is lost prematurely, the remaining teeth typically maintain healthy spacing. However, losing any other tooth early, especially a back one, can result in your little one’s adjacent teeth drifting toward the gap. That means the adult teeth will not have the space they need to come in correctly, putting your child at risk for crooked, crowded, or impacted teeth or problems with the bite. That usually translates to orthodontic treatments down the road. 

What Are Space Maintainers?

Dental space maintainers are custom-fitted stainless steel appliances we use to maintain the space left by a missing baby tooth. They help prevent the neighboring teeth from shifting into the gap, preserving the space the adult teeth need to come in correctly. Space maintainers offer a simple preventive measure to reduce or even eliminate the need for future orthodontic procedures. 

How Long Are Space Maintainers Worn?

The length of time your child will need to wear a space maintainer will depend on the location of the missing tooth and when it was lost. In general, space maintainers stay in place until the adult teeth are about to erupt. 

How Should You Care for Your Child’s Space Maintainers?

Encourage your little one to brush and floss regularly around the space maintainer to remove any food particles or debris stuck around it. Make sure to avoid sticky, hard, or tough foods to prevent damage to the space maintainers. We also recommend rinsing with salt water or a gentle mouthwash to flush away any food left behind. Most importantly, visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for routine dental exams and cleanings to allow us to monitor the space maintainer and ensure your little one’s smile stays in tip-top shape.

Space Maintainers Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

If your child loses a baby tooth prematurely due to deep decay or trauma, contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry. Dr. Patel may recommend a space maintainer to safeguard your child’s smile. Our goal is to ensure our young patients enjoy a lifetime of healthy teeth and happy smiles. We invite you to call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Charcoal Toothpaste Safe for My Child?

Charcoal toothpaste continues to grow in popularity as an alternative, all-natural teeth whitening solution. However, concerns arise about its safety for children and even adults. Our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry does not recommend charcoal toothpaste for our young patients, and here’s a look at why.

What Is Charcoal Toothpaste?

Charcoal in charcoal toothpaste is different from what you use for barbecues. It is actually activated charcoal, a fine-grain powder made of wood, coconut shells, and other natural substances. Emergency rooms often use activated charcoal to treat poisoning or drug overdoses. That’s because its porous, sponge-like nature helps remove certain toxins from the gut, preventing them from entering the bloodstream. 

Many believe charcoal toothpaste’s highly absorbent properties and sponge-like action lift tooth enamel stains. However, no scientific evidence has established any benefits of charcoal toothpaste for you or your little one’s smile. In fact, it has been found to do more harm than good. 

How Does Charcoal Toothpaste Harm Your Child’s Teeth?

Activated charcoal has an abrasive texture, which, over time, can wear down your child’s tooth enamel. In the short run, your little one’s teeth may appear whiter and brighter. However, as the tooth enamel wears, it exposes the underlying dentin, which is yellowish in color. That results in teeth that are permanently dull and yellow in appearance! 

Aside from their appearance, teeth with worn, weak enamel aren’t well protected, often leading to tooth sensitivity and an increased risk of tooth decay. The charcoal particles can get trapped in the gums, irritating them and causing inflammation. Charcoal-based toothpaste can cause long-term damage to perfectly healthy teeth and gums. 

The American Dental Association (ADA) does not approve of the use of any activated charcoal toothpaste. Our team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry also advises against using charcoal toothpaste or any toothpaste containing abrasives. 

Are There Any Safe Teeth Whitening Toothpaste Options?

There are some ADA-approved whitening toothpastes available for purchase at your local drugstore. However, we highly recommend waiting until your child’s permanent teeth have emerged, around age 14, before starting any whitening treatments. Make sure to consult with your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry before choosing a whiting method to prevent damage to your child’s tooth enamel.

The best way to keep your child’s teeth whiter is to maintain good oral hygiene. A healthy, cavity-free mouth translates to bright smiles. Encourage your child to brush and floss daily to remove plaque and food debris. Don’t forget to visit Jet Set Smiles for your little one’s twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings. We will monitor your child’s oral health and treat any problems as they develop. Our professional cleanings will remove surface stains, leaving your child with a bright and healthy smile. 

Quality Pediatric Dental Care Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is happy to answer any questions about teeth whitening options for kids. Dr. Patel and his kid-friendly team are committed to helping your child develop healthy habits that lead to a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles. We invite you to call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Would My Child Need a Dental Crown?

Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is pleased to offer a range of restorative services, including dental crowns, to repair damaged teeth and maintain healthy smiles. Our skilled and experienced pediatric dentist will help you determine whether a dental crown is right for your child. Visit our Phoenix office to get your child’s oral health back on track. 

What Are Dental Crowns and Why Would Your Child Need One?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps we place on weak or damaged teeth for protection. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we offer stainless steel and tooth-colored resin crowns. Stainless steel crowns are strong and durable, providing an excellent choice for restoring the back teeth. Tooth-colored resin crowns, on the other hand, offer an aesthetic solution to repair the front teeth that show when your child smiles. 

Your child may need a dental crown for the following reasons: 

  • To save a tooth with deep decay or extensive damage
  • To support a tooth with a large filling
  • To protect a tooth after undergoing a nerve treatment known as a baby root canal
  • To strengthen and preserve weak, worn, cracked, or fractured tooth

Is a Dental Crown Really Necessary?

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we emphasize the importance of maintaining healthy baby teeth, even though they will eventually fall out. Not only do baby teeth enhance your child’s smile, but they also play a critical role in speech, cognitive, social, and emotional development. They also help your little one chew and eat without pain, providing the nutrients needed for healthy teeth and growing bodies. 

Baby teeth are like placeholders, ensuring the adult teeth have the space they need to come in their proper alignment without crowding. They also promote healthy jaw development. If your child loses a tooth too early, the neighboring teeth may shift toward the gap, leading to crooked teeth and problems with the bite. If that happens, your child may need extensive orthodontic treatment down the road. Healthy baby teeth contribute to the health of the adult teeth developing behind the scenes. They also foster positive self-esteem and help little ones become more confident and self-assured. 

How Can You Prevent the Need for a Dental Crown?

There are things you can do to safeguard your child’s smile and lower the risk of damage requiring a dental crown. Make sure your little brushes and flosses regularly to keep tooth decay and cavities at bay. Encourage your child to limit sugary, sticky, or acidic foods or drinks. Instead, offer smile-healthy options, including fresh fruits and vegetables, cheese, nuts, water, and milk.

It’s important to visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for your child’s twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings. We will ensure your child’s smile stays healthy and sound. If needed, we may recommend preventive procedures like fluoride treatments or dental sealants

If your child has a painful tooth or if you have any concerns between visits, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment right away. Addressing any problems as they develop will help prevent the need for extensive treatments down the road. 

Pediatric Dental Crowns Near Me in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about restoring your child’s smile with a dental crown. Dr. Patel and his kid-friendly team are all about maintaining strong and healthy smiles for life. We invite you to call us at 480-284-5076 to schedule your appointment today.

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

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