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Do Sugary Drinks Affect My Child’s Oral Health?

How Do Sugary Drinks Affect My Child’s Oral Health?

Sugary drinks, even those seemingly healthy fruit juices, can take their toll on your little one’s oral health, often leading to dental problems, including tooth decay and cavities. Here’s all you need to know about the harms of consuming sugary beverages and things you can do to get your child’s smile off to a great start!

Why Is It Important to Maintain Healthy Baby Teeth?

Your child’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, so their health isn’t important. Right? Wrong! Those tiny chompers play a vital role in your child’s development. They help maintain the space needed for the adult teeth developing behind the scenes and guide them to the correct alignment when it’s time to come in.

Losing a baby tooth early on due to deep decay or damage can result in the neighboring teeth shifting out of alignment, often leading to crooked teeth and a crowded mouth. That usually translates to the need for orthodontic treatment down the road. Moreover, premature tooth loss can interfere with speech development, chewing, eating, and proper nutrition. Maintaining healthy baby teeth will set the stage for a lifetime of healthy, confident smiles!

How Does Sugar Affect Your Child’s Teeth?

Sugar provides an abundant food source for bacteria, which feast and produce acids that attack and eat away the tooth enamel. That leaves the teeth thinner and weaker and prone to developing tooth decay and cavities. Sugary drinks are known to be one of the leading causes of tooth decay in children.

Sugary Drinks and Early Childhood Caries

Early childhood caries (ECC), also known as baby bottle tooth decay, refers to a condition often seen in young children up to age six. It usually develops due to prolonged exposure to liquids containing sugar, including fruit juices and milk.

The first signs of ECC, which often go unnoticed, are white spots that appear near the gum line. If not diagnosed and treated early on, your child may develop brown spots, holes, or even broken teeth that may require extensive dental treatments down the road.

Maintaining Healthy Smiles

The best way to ensure your child enjoys a clean, cavity-free smile is to limit sugary drinks and encourage meticulous oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing. Make sure your child drinks plenty of water and consumes a balanced, nutritious diet to provide the teeth and gums with the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

When it comes to early childhood caries prevention, Avoid placing sugary liquids or juices in baby bottles and never send your little one to bed with a bottle. Encourage using a sippy cup by the time your child turns one. It’s also important to start cleaning your baby’s gums right from the start using a damp gauze or washcloth. When the tiny chompers come in, brush them regularly with a soft-bristled baby toothbrush and a tiny amount of toothpaste, no larger than a grain of rice. Between ages 3 and 6, it’s usually safe to use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Make sure you consult with your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry before using any fluoridated products.

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Services in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about healthy habits for long-term healthy smiles. Together, we’ll lay the groundwork for a lifetime of optimal oral health. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Sedation Dentistry Safe for My Child?

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that some of our young patients are apprehensive about visiting the dentist. Our team is committed to ensuring your little one’s time with us is happy and free of stress. One of the ways we do that is by offering a range of sedation dentistry options that help even the most anxious kids relax in the dentist’s chair!

How Does Sedation Dentistry Help Your Child?

Sedation dentistry is the practice of using mild sedatives to take the edge off dental visits. It is especially beneficial to young patients fearful of dental procedures, children with special needs, and those with a strong gag reflex. It is also helpful to young kids who have difficulty sitting still for long periods and those requiring complex, high-precision dental procedures.

Sedation dentistry helps guide cooperative behavior, prevents spontaneous movements during treatment, and reduces the risk of injury. It keeps our young patients calm, allowing for safe and comfortable dental care! 

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe?

Dental sedation is proven to be safe for children when administered by a trained and experienced dental professional. However, just as with any other treatment, it’s important to let us know about any health concerns.

Our Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry team always follows recommended safety measures and monitors your child’s vital signs throughout any treatment. The safety of our young patients is always our top priority!

What Are the Different Types of Sedation We Offer?

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we are proud to offer several sedation dentistry options. We will evaluate your child’s condition and recommend the type of sedation that best meets their needs.

Here are the sedation dentistry options we offer:

Nitrous Oxide Sedation: “Happy air” or “laughing gas” helps our little patients relax. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recognizes this form of sedation as safe and effective for use with children. Your child will breathe nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen through a mask placed over the nose and will stay awake and responsive throughout treatment.

Oral Conscious Sedation: Oral sedation involves administering medication before treatment to help our young patients relax. Most children become very comfortable and may even drift into a light sleep but are easily woken up.

General Anesthesia: At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we use general anesthesia to keep your child safe and comfortable in certain special situations. We’ll discuss the benefits and risks of general anesthesia and why we may recommend it for your child.

What Can You Do to Help?

Here are some things you can do to ensure your child has the best possible treatment experience:

Before Sedation: Make sure to provide us with your child’s medical history and let us know about any current medications or supplements. We may ask you to limit food intake before sedation. Kids are pretty observant, so make sure to remain calm and positive.

After Sedation: Your little one may be sleepy and tired after some types of sedation. Allow for plenty of rest, and make sure you follow any directions we provide.

Sedation Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about our sedation dentistry options and how they can help your little one relax in the dentist’s chair. Our kid-friendly team is committed to providing our young patients with comfortable, gentle care. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Does My Child Need a Crown?

If your child has damaged adult or baby teeth, your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry may recommend a dental crown as the best course of treatment. Our pediatric dentist has extensive training and experience placing children’s crowns, which differs from adult dental crowns. You can always count on our team for exceptional, gentle care!

The Importance of Maintaining Healthy Baby Teeth

Even though your little one’s baby teeth will eventually fall out, it’s important to keep them healthy. Those little chompers play a critical role in speech development, which promotes cognitive, social, and emotional development. They also help with biting and chewing, ensuring proper nutrition. Maintaining healthy smiles fosters positive self-esteem and builds confidence!

Baby teeth maintain the space needed for the adult teeth to come in correctly. Losing one early on can cause the neighboring teeth to shift and tilt out of alignment, often resulting in crooked teeth or a crowded mouth. If that happens, your child will likely require orthodontic treatment down the road. Maintaining healthy baby teeth will translate to healthy adult teeth!

What Are Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps we use to restore the health and function of damaged teeth. A crown covers the entire portion of the affected tooth visible above the gum line, protecting it from further decay or damage.

A broken baby tooth almost always requires a dental crown to save it and prevent its premature loss. If your little one develops a cavity, we may be able to repair it using a white filling. Deep or extensive decay, however, will likely require a crown.

What Are the Types of Pediatric Dental Crowns?

At Jet Set Smile Pediatric Dentistry, we offer stainless steel or tooth-colored resin crowns. Stainless steel dental crowns are prefabricated and come in various shapes and sizes. They are excellent choices for repairing the molars to provide the strength needed to withstand the chewing forces. Their only downfall is their silver color, which may interfere with your child’s appearance. A tooth-colored crown is a better choice for the front teeth because the material allows for a seamless smile.

What Is the Dental Crown Placement Procedure?

We will numb the area for your child’s comfort and remove any decay or damage. Next, we will prepare the affected tooth to make room for the new crown to fit. If your child requires a stainless steel crown, we will select one that provides the best fit. If, however, your child is receiving a tooth-colored crown, we will take an impression of the area and send it to a dental lab for fabrication. During an upcoming visit, we will cement your child’s new crown to the prepared tooth, fully restoring its health, appearance, and function.

Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles

The best way to protect your child’s smile is to maintain proper oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing. Don’t forget to visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for your little one’s twice-a-year dental exams and cleanings. We will monitor your child’s oral health and may recommend preventive procedures, such as dental sealants or fluoride treatment to promote long-term healthy smiles.

Pediatric Dental Crowns in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn more about repairing damaged teeth using dental crowns. Our kid-friendly team is committed to providing outstanding, gentle care to ensure your child’s time with us is happy and free of stress. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Dentist Games for Kids to Ease Their Dental Phobia

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we understand that going to the dentist can be scary for some children. An excellent way to help ease dental phobia is to play some fun dentist games. As a bonus, your little one will learn about the importance of maintaining proper oral hygiene practices for long-term healthy smiles.

#1 Role Play

Kids love role play, so it’s a great idea to act out dental visits, especially before a dental appointment. Take turns being the dentist, examining and cleaning a favorite stuffed animal’s teeth. When it’s your turn, model a kind, gentle dentist, and make sure your time is positive and filled with laughter.

#2 Clean the Tooth

Dental cleanings are essential components of dental visits. The hygienist uses a dental instrument called a scaler to remove plaque and grime off your child’s teeth and demonstrates proper dental hygiene practices. So why not prepare ahead? Here’s what you can do. Cut a soda bottle in half and place it upside down to look like a tooth. Cover the tooth with plaque (shaving cream) and hand your child a scaler (popsicle stick) and a toothbrush. Set a minute egg timer and have your child scramble to “clean the tooth” before the time is up. Better yet, have two kids race, and whoever removes all the shaving cream first wins!

#3 Dentist Pictionary

Put a dental spin on Pictionary. You can do that by preparing a one-minute egg timer, a whiteboard, whiteboard markers, and note cards with words such as dentist, cavity, filling, missing tooth, x-ray, dental chair, scaler, mouth mirror, fluoride, floss, tooth bugs, etc. To get started, have your child choose a notecard and draw the word. If you guess it in under a minute, your child earns a point. Take turns trying to draw and guess the words.

#4 Mouth Healthy/Not-So-Healthy Scavenger Hunt

Ahead of a dental visit, collect supermarket fliers to prepare for this activity. Talk to your child about the harms of sugary, sticky, or acidic foods. Label a large construction paper with “Mouth Healthy” on one side and “Not-So-Healthy” on the other. Work together to cut out pictures of foods and tape or glue them under the appropriate headings. Have your child proudly share the masterpiece with our staff during the next dental visit.

#5 Toothless Chit-Chat

Understanding the importance of maintaining healthy teeth will highlight the importance of visiting the dentist. For older kids, challenge them to speak with their lips pursed and not use their teeth. Do it with them and try to have a coherent conversation, which you’ll find is impossible. “Toothless chit-chat” is hilarious and will drive the importance of maintaining healthy teeth to avoid tooth loss.

#6 Going to the Dentist Books

Here are some examples of book titles that will help prepare for the next dental visit and ease your child’s anxiety:

Quality Pediatric Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ

At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we are all about providing our young patients with top-notch care in a happy and relaxing environment. Please let us know if your child is fearful of going to the dentist, and we will do everything possible to put these fears to rest. Together, we will establish healthy habits for long-term healthy smiles. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Childhood Caries: What Is It?

Did you know that early childhood caries, or ECC, is one of the most prevalent yet preventable diseases in children under age six? According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a young child is five times more likely to develop ECC than asthma. Learn more about ECC and how to keep your child’s smile healthy and sound.

Why Is It Important to Maintain Healthy Baby Teeth?

Even though baby teeth will eventually fall out, keeping them healthy will set the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Those little chompers maintain the space needed for the adult teeth developing behind the scenes and help with proper speech development as well as chewing and eating. The premature loss of baby teeth can result in the neighboring teeth shifting out of alignment, potentially leading to crooked teeth or a crowded mouth. That will likely translate into the need for orthodontic treatment down the road.

What Is Early Childhood Caries?

Early childhood caries, otherwise known as baby bottle tooth decay, refers to a condition that affects young children up to age six. The first signs of ECC are white spots that appear near the gum line that often go unnoticed. If not diagnosed and treated, your little one may develop brown spots or holes or even broken teeth that may require involved dental procedures down the road.

How Does Early Childhood Caries Develop?

ECC is a preventable condition that usually results from the frequent, prolonged exposure of a child’s teeth to liquids and foods containing sugar, including milk and juice. As cavity-causing bacteria feast on the sugars, they produce acids that, over time, destroy your little one’s pearly whites. The main bacteria responsible for tooth caries are streptococcus mutans and lactobacillus, which usually transmit from the primary caregivers to the child. Other factors contributing to ECC are the frequency of feedings, poor oral hygiene practices, inadequate fluoride exposure, and the use of certain medications.

How Can You Prevent Early Childhood Caries?

The best way to prevent ECC is to care for your little one’s oral health right from the start. After each feeding, make sure you wipe your baby’s gums with a clean damp gauze or washcloth. When the teeth begin to come in, brush them regularly with a soft-bristled baby toothbrush and a smear of fluoride toothpaste around the size of a grain of rice until age 3. Between ages 3 and 6, you can use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste.

To prevent ECC, avoid placing sugary liquids or juices in bottles, make sure your child doesn’t go to bed with a bottle, and never dip the pacifier in sugar or honey. Encourage your little one to drink out of a sippy cup by the first birthday. Once you introduce solid foods, try to stick to healthy eating habits to promote a healthy body and healthy smiles.

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Services in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for tips and advice on preventing ECC. We encourage you to start your child’s routine dental visits as soon as the first tooth emerges and no later than age one. Together, we’ll establish healthy habits for healthy smiles right from the start. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Do Children Get Their Molars?

Your child will have two sets of teeth: the primary or “baby” teeth and the permanent or “adult” teeth. Kids typically have 20 primary teeth, including four premolars, which are replaced by 32 permanent teeth, 16 in each jaw. Here’s all you need to know about when your little one will have those molars come in.

When Do Children Get Their Molars?

While the exact timing of when molars come in varies, most children get their first molars, known as premolars, sometime between 13 and 19 months on top and 14 and 18 months on the bottom. The second set of molars typically emerge between 25 and 33 months on top and 23 to 31 months on the bottom. These two sets of premolars are usually replaced with their permanent counterparts between ages 10 and 12.

There are three sets of permanent molars that your child will get over the years behind the ends of the baby teeth. The first, known as the six-year molars, typically erupt between ages 6 and 7. Next come the 12-year molars, which usually come in between ages 12 until 13. That makes 28 permanent teeth, including eight molars and eight premolars. The very last molars to come in are the wisdom teeth, also known as the third molars. They usually surface between ages 17 and 21. Wisdom teeth often require extraction because, in most cases, there’s no space to accommodate them, and they are notorious for causing a host of oral health problems.

Preventive Services for Long-Term Healthy Smiles

Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is proud to offer preventive services to safeguard your child’s molars and overall oral health.

  • Dental Exams: The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) recommends visiting your child’s pediatric dentist for preventive care, beginning at your child’s first birthday. Routine visits to Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry will set the stage for a lifetime of healthy, happy smiles!
  • Dental Cleanings: Professional cleanings involve removing plaque and tartar deposits to ensure your little one’s smile is squeaky clean and fresh. This essential preventive practice helps combat tooth decay, cavities, periodontal (gum) disease, and halitosis (bad breath).
  • Dental Sealants: These thin, transparent plastic coatings seal the grooves and crevices on the chewing surfaces of your child’s premolars and molars to help keep tooth decay and cavities at bay. We recommend placing dental sealants as soon as your child’s premolars and molars come in.
  • Fluoride Treatments: Fluoride helps strengthen your child’s tooth enamel and makes it more resistant to decay and cavities. Moreover, the simple and painless treatment can reverse the early stages of tooth decay.

Caring For Your Child’s Teeth at Home

The best way you can ensure your child enjoys a healthy smile for a lifetime is to begin oral hygiene practices right from the start. Use a wet, clean gauze or washcloth to wipe your baby’s gums to remove any plaque. Avoid putting your child in bed with a bottle, especially one with a sugary drink. Once those tiny pearly whites emerge, make sure to brush and floss daily as recommended by your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, based on your child’s age.

Preventive Pediatric Dentistry Services Near Me

Contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ, to learn about the quality preventive services we offer to ensure our valued young patients maintain long-term healthy smiles. You can always count on our team for exceptional, gentle services. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Teeth: How They Develop

Have you ever wondered if using a pacifier can harm your little one’s oral health? While pacifiers can help infants and toddlers self-soothe and relax, prolonging their use can lead to a condition known as “pacifier teeth.” So how can you enjoy the benefits of a pacifier while safeguarding your child’s smile?

Pacifiers and Your Newborn

Sucking is a normal instinct for babies, and a pacifier can help soothe, comfort, calm, and relax your little one, especially during the first six months of life. The benefits of pacifiers don’t stop here. Many parents do not realize that pacifier use lowers the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, reduces hospital stays for prematurely born infants, and can even help provide pain relief during medical procedures.

What Are Pacifier Teeth and How Do They Develop?

A baby’s mouth and teeth form in the womb and continue to develop throughout childhood. Anything infants or toddlers hold in their mouths for long periods during this critical time of growth can affect their dental health and development.

The term “Pacifier teeth” refers to a condition resulting from prolonged pacifier use. It is characterized by various complications, including tilting, protruding, crooked, shifted, or uneven teeth, problems with the bite and jaw alignment, and changes in the roof of the mouth. Long-term thumb sucking can impact your child’s oral health in the same way as prolonged pacifier use. The good news is that alignment problems with the teeth and developing bone can be corrected within about six months if pacifier use stops by the age of two.

Putting the Pacifier Away

The best way to prevent pacifier teeth is to start weaning your child off the pacifier around six months old and no later than age two. But how do you do that? There are many ways to help your little one, and it’s going to take some experimenting to see what works best. To start with, provide plenty of positive reinforcement, and make sure to praise your little one’s efforts. Don’t forget to offer a small reward for every success.

It helps to establish a few “pacifier-free” times, starting with 30 minutes and adding a few minutes each day. Avoid stressful situations if at all possible, and be ready to shower your child with plenty of hugs and cuddles. Never resort to punishment for wanting to use the pacifier.

Choose your timing carefully. Don’t choose a time when you’re experiencing significant life changes, such as welcoming a new sibling or moving to a new home. While some setbacks and discouraging moments should be expected, stay consistent and positive. When it’s time to say goodbye to the pacifier, make sure you prepare a fitting celebration for the remarkable milestone!

Quality Pediatric Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ

Visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry for more tips and advice on safe pacifier use. We encourage you to maintain your child’s routine dental visits as soon as the first tooth emerges and no later than age one. That way, you’ll establish healthy habits for healthy smiles right off the start. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

What Age Should Your Child Stop Seeing a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists have extensive education, training, and experience in providing top-notch dental care to children of all ages. Whether you have an infant, toddler, school-aged kid, preteen, or teen, your trusted team at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is here to help. The question is, when should your child start seeing a general dentist like you do?

Pediatric vs. General Dentistry Practices

Pediatric and general dentists both work with one goal in mind. To help their patients maintain long-term healthy smiles. However, there are some distinct differences between the two. The first is in their education. Pediatric dentists complete at least two additional years of specialized training after dental school focused on the unique needs of their young patients. They are well equipped to treat the growing mouth as well as being experts on behavior management and caring for children with special needs.

Many general dentists offer pediatric services. However, they do not have the additional training and expertise that pediatric dentists do. That said, seeing a general dentist may not be the best option for children, especially those with special needs or those who are anxious about dental visits. It’s best to choose a pediatric dentistry practice that is geared toward children and their unique needs. Their staff understands how to deal with the littlest and most fearful patients, and their kid-friendly environments allow for a positive and anxiety-free experience.

Should Teens See Pediatric Dentists?

As kids get older and reach their teen years, you may wonder whether it makes sense to have them continue to see a pediatric dentist. The answer is “yes.” Although teens may not be little kids anymore, they continue to learn about healthy habits for healthy smiles. A pediatric dentist will talk to your teen about the best foods and oral hygiene practices to lay the groundwork for a lifetime of oral health.

As children grow, their teeth go through many changes. Most teens continue to experience growth and development of the face and jaw. Moreover, the last of permanent teeth come in during this time. Continuing to see a pediatric dentist who knows their dental history will allow for personalized care during these critical growth and development years. Moreover, most teens require orthodontic screening and will need evaluation on whether the wisdom teeth require removal. These are services pediatric dentists are well-equipped to provide.

How Old is Too Old to See a Pediatric Dentist?

Pediatric dentists typically see patients from when the first tooth emerges until about age 18. Just like pediatric healthcare providers, pediatric dentists specialize in caring for young smiles. At Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, we will evaluate your child’s needs, behaviors, and overall dental health before recommending a switch to a general dentist.

Quality Pediatric Dentistry Services in Phoenix, AZ

Contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to learn all about the quality preventive and restorative services we offer to ensure our young patients maintain healthy smiles for a lifetime. You can always trust us for outstanding care and services. Call us and schedule your appointment today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

Would My Child Need a Baby Tooth Extracted?

We, at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry, cannot overemphasize the importance of baby teeth and the role they play in a child’s future oral health. Not only do they help with chewing and speech development, but they also help maintain the correct structure of the mouth and jawbone and act as placeholders for the permanent teeth developing behind the scenes. Our team never spares any effort to preserve a child’s natural baby tooth. If, however, saving a tooth is not a viable option, we may recommend a simple extraction.

Why Would Your Child Require an Extraction?

There are various reasons a baby tooth may require extraction. Our pledge to you is that we will do everything possible to ensure your child is comfortable before, during, and after the extraction procedure. 

Here are some reasons a child would require tooth extraction:

  • Severe decay or infection can sometimes cause too much damage to allow for safe and effective restoration.
  • In a serious injury, a baby tooth may be cracked, loosened, or impacted and may need to be removed.
  • Extraction may be necessary if a primary tooth does not fall out before the permanent one comes in.
  • We sometimes remove baby teeth as a component of an orthodontic treatment plan to allow the remaining teeth to shift into alignment.

What Should You Expect?

With modern dentistry techniques, a baby tooth extraction is a relatively quick and straightforward procedure. We will start by administering a local anesthetic to numb the area for your child’s comfort. If your child is anxious, we can provide nitrous oxide inhaled sedation to safely help your child relax while still awake and responsive to directions. We will gently remove the affected tooth, and your child won’t feel a thing. Children typically resume their normal day-to-day activities about 24 hours after the procedure. If you have any questions or concerns, please make sure to let us know.

How Can You Help Promote Healing?

For two to three days after the extraction, your child will need to stay away from carbonated beverages, sucking through a straw, vigorous rinsing, and forceful spitting. Your little one will need to eat soft foods such as pudding, mashed potatoes, jello, or ice cream. Crunchy foods such as popcorn or crackers are an absolute no-no.

If your child has any discomfort, a pediatrician approved pain medication such as Tylenol will help. If your child has any swelling, place a cold compress on the area and immediately contact our office. Please make sure to follow the post-extraction care instructions we will provide to promote healing.

What Is a Space Maintainer?

After extracting a baby tooth, we may recommend placing a space maintainer. The custom-fit oral device will maintain the space needed for the incoming permanent tooth to erupt correctly. Space maintainers can help reduce or may even eliminate the need for orthodontic treatments down the road.

Healthy Habits for Healthy Smiles

Keeping your child’s teeth healthy will prevent damage that can ultimately lead to tooth loss or the need for extraction. We recommend starting with proper oral hygiene practices at a very young age. Even babies and toddlers need to have their teeth cleaned. Make sure to visit Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry twice a year for your child’s routine dental exams and cleanings. That will allow us to identify any issues early on when easiest to treat.

Teeth Extractions in Phoenix, AZ

Contact Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry to schedule your child’s routine dental exam and cleaning. We will monitor your child’s teeth to make sure they stay in tip-top shape. If an extraction is necessary, our gentle approach and sedation dentistry options allow even our most anxious young patients to relax. Call us today!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix

My Oral Health Affects My Baby

Did you know that maintaining your oral health during pregnancy can potentially impact your baby’s oral and overall health? We, at Jet Set Smiles, are all about getting our tiniest patients on the path to a lifetime of healthy smiles right off the start. We look forward to meeting your little one!

Pregnancy and Oral Health

Pregnancy impacts your oral health in many ways. From hormonal changes to morning sickness and food cravings, expectant moms are at a higher risk of developing dental disease.

Here are some ways pregnancy can impact your oral health:

Tooth Decay: Changes in behaviors during pregnancy can increase the risk of tooth decay. Pregnant women often find themselves craving sugary treats and may constantly graze or snack. We recommend rinsing with water after consuming a sweet treat, and better yet, opt for a healthy alternative such as raw vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, or cheese. 

Tooth Erosion: Many moms-to-be experience morning sickness. Constant vomiting exposes the teeth to stomach acids, often leading to tooth enamel erosion, sensitivity, and decay. Make sure never to brush your teeth right after vomiting because the acids may erode your teeth as you brush. Instead, rinse your mouth first with water or fluoride mouthwash.

Pregnancy Gingivitis: Hormonal changes during pregnancy often result in a condition known as pregnancy gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums characterized by swelling, bleeding, and tenderness. If you notice any of these symptoms, make sure to schedule a dental visit.

Dry Mouth: Pregnancy dry mouth, a common concern for many expectant moms, increases the risk of developing tooth decay, gum disease, and infections. Make sure to drink plenty of water to keep your mouth moist and chew sugarless gum to enhance saliva production.

How Does Your Oral Health Impact Your Developing Baby?

Keeping your smile healthy can directly impact your developing baby’s oral and overall health. Studies show a link between gum disease and premature delivery and low birth weights, which puts infants at a higher risk of developing serious health problems. Moreover, cavity-causing bacteria can transfer from a mother’s mouth to her baby’s mouth, potentially leading to early childhood cavities and the potential need for extensive dental care at a very young age. Maintaining your oral health during pregnancy will get your child on track to a healthy smile right from the start!

How To Get Your Smile Pregnancy Ready

Before becoming pregnant, make sure to schedule a dental exam and cleaning to have any necessary preventive or restorative dental procedures completed. You should maintain your routine dental exams and cleanings as recommended by your dentist to keep your smile in tip-top shape.

It’s important to brush your teeth thoroughly using a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day to remove plaque and to floss between your teeth daily. Make sure you consume a nutritious, balanced diet to ensure that your baby’s teeth and bones have the essential nutrients required for proper development.

Quality Pediatric Dentistry in Phoenix, AZ

We at Jet Set Smiles Pediatric Dentistry would like to congratulate you on your upcoming bundle of joy. We look forward to meeting your baby and working with you to lay the foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles. We are here for you and your little one every step of the way!

Girl | Jet Set Smiles, Pediatric Dentist in Phoenix